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About host

Bridget Penny

I am a second language and special needs teacher, specializing in literacy and language acquisition, and work teaching newly arrived immigrants in an adult education centre. I am particularly interested in the challenges faced by learners with disabilities; at university, I also studied comparative religion and middle-eastern language and culture.

Born in the UK and raised in Norway, I am fully bilingual in English and Norwegian. I also speak and read some French and Arabic. I am lucky to be the mother of seven great (and bilingual) kids aged 10-34, some of whom still live at home; my fourth child, who has Down syndrome, has especially enriched my life, teaching me much about the process and effort involved in learning life skills such as communication, self-care and independence.

We are an active and musical family. Most of us practice taekwondo and play one or more musical instruments, and we have a piano and other instruments at home. In my free time, I play in a local symphony orchestra and in the village brass band. In our small garden, we have flowers and fruit, and a kitchen garden with herbs and vegetables.

Lektor med hovedfag i religionsvitenskap - spesialpedagog og lærer i norsk som andrespråk - flerspråklig lingvist; snakker norsk, engelsk, fransk og noe arabisk - amatørmusiker - mor til sju barn i alderen 10-34 år hvorav tre fortsatt bor hjemme - inkludert et voksent barn med Down syndrom, med alt det medfører av berikelse, læring og utfordringer!

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  • Email: bridgep@online.no

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